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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How To Speed Up Mozilla FireFox

Mozilla FireFox is an excellent web browser and also renowned as fast web browser.
But the fact is you can speed it up and make it more faster.
Can't you believe me ? Check it out !
These is mainly for those who browse a lot, have good Internet connections and always opens many tabs at a time . Well then let me show you how to make Mozilla FireFox more faster ,

First open an new window and write about:config in the URL box.Then copy and paste the Preference Names given below , in the filter box and you will see the preference names with other values. You will have to edit the values according instructions given below.

Preference Name : network.prefetch-next
Default value is "true", change it to "false".

Double click on the true and it will turn to false.
Link prefetching is when a webpage hints to the browser that certain pages are likely to be visited, so the browser downloads them immediately so they can be displayed immediately when the user requests it. This preference controls whether link prefetching is enabled.
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Preference Name : browser.sessionhistory.max_total_viewers
Default value is "-1", change it to "1".
Double click on the number field and insert the new number.
Limits the maximum number of pages stored in memory in such a way that they don’t have to be re-parsed when pressing Back and Forward. If you, like me, are not using the Back and Forward buttons that much but rather tabs then I see no reason for FireFox to keep a lot of memory with this.
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Preference Name : network.http.max-connections
Default value is "30", change it to "100".
Double click on the number field and insert the new number.
HTTP is the application-layer protocol that most web pages are transferred with. The total number of HTTP connections the application can make is limited by this preference. If more connections are needed, they are queued until a connection "slot" is available.
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Preference Name : network.http.max-connections-per-server
Default value is "15", change it to "20".
Double click on the number field and insert the new number.
Same as the above one
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Preference Name : network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server
Default value is "6", change it to "8".
Double click on the number field and insert the new number.
This preference takes values between 1 and 255 inclusive, directly corresponding to the maximum number of HTTP keep-alive connections the application can have open at once to a single server.
It is, however, considered poor etiquette to make too many connections to a server and may lead to you being banned from that server. Anything above 10 is excessive.
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[ Source : Category:Preferences - MozillaZine Knowledge Base ]

Affter folllowing these steps mentioned above , you will get a faster firefox then before, I am saying it based on my personal experience .

Well this is what I found while browsing around. If you guys have any other tricks to speed up FireFox, don't hesitate to share them . And if you like this post, don't hesitate to share it with others !

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