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Friday, December 23, 2011

Advancing Your Career Using Social Media To Point Headhunters In Your Direction

Using Social Media to Advance Your Career
When you’re in the market for a job, there are a few ways you can go about it. Sure, you can scour job search sites, study the daily newspaper, bother friends for leads and walk the streets looking for “help wanted” posters. After a lot of work and wasted time, you might qualify for an interview. What if there was a way to bring interview invites and job offers straight to you? There is! Social media is becoming the hot tool for job seekers and it can bring the headhunters, recruiters and jobs right to you.


Many use Facebook to keep up with friends and family, support causes, follow favourite celebrities and more. What few realize is Facebook can be used to grab the attention of headhunters, bringing you closer to a job interview and the opening you want. There are a few effective methods of getting headhunters’ attention on Facebook. They can even be combined for more effectiveness.

* Set a public status regarding your job search, like: “Searching for work in project management. Email me: mymail@email.com.”

* List your resume as a note on your Facebook page and mark it as “Public.”

* “Like” the pages of staffing and recruitment agencies, as well as the pages of companies in your field that interest you. If they list openings, post a message to them notifying them that you are attracted to these positions.


LinkedIn is essentially Facebook that is specifically aimed at working professionals. Leverage the power of LinkedIn to get your resume out there in front of as many eyes as possible. You can notify past and present colleagues – your LinkedIn “connections” --of your availability and they might refer you to their in-house recruiters. Publish your resume on LinkedIn and follow companies to make your chances of attracting headhunters’ attention even better. Because of its specific focus on business connections, LinkedIn is an excellent tool for job seekers to use to bring in recruiters and jobs.


Most job seekers, when thinking about leveraging the power of social media to aid in job searches, don’t think about Twitter. It’s easy to overlook the little microblogging service; how much job hunting can you do with just 144 characters? The reality of it is that overlooking the power of Twitter is a mistake. Creative job seekers can make excellent use of Twitter:

* Follow companies and job search firms; they will likely follow you back.

* Tweet directly to these companies – not so often as to be annoying – that you are interested in employment.

* Use a URL shortening service like bit.ly, TinyURL,com or Google’s own Goo.gl to save characters and Tweet a link to your online resume on Facebook or LinkedIn.

A bonus of using Twitter for job searches is Twitter’s hip, cutting edge image. How many job seekers are trying to draw headhunters using Twitter? You will set yourself apart and you’ll look like a cutting-edge applicant instead of an old-time job seeker.

Author Bio

Kieron Casey is BA (Hons) Journalism graduate who blogs regularly on a number of topics including technology, social media and
international headhunters.


  1. I would have never thought of using twitter for a job search. Great tips that we can all use.

  2. YouTube is also a creative way to get noticed as well! Graeme Anthony (http://youtu.be/9EzNll1U2N8) did an awesome interactive CV!

  3. Great Post nazbir regarding finding jobs on social media websites you have aware the people in your post to take fully advantage of Social Media Websites :)
